Welcome to our Bookshop! We've discovered, by trial and error, that the best way to share our unique collection of children's titles for sale is to collaborate as a vendor with Alibris.com and other reputable online sellers. That's how the word gets out to the most buyers!
Our sale collection (some listed below) offers mostly rare and first edition picture books which Sandy has chosen during her past 35 years in children's book publishing. True gems! Valuable collectibles and hard-to-find treasures to share with new generations. If you have any questions or want more details about any of the items listed below, please email us at sffuller@alparts.com and reference Alp Arts Book Order as subject.
We'll continue to add to our Alibris inventory weekly, and we'll post some of the featured listings here on our bookstore page. You can purchase any of these books here, too. Please contact us by email with questions. We accept Paypal or personal checks; $5 shipping/handling on most orders unless otherwise specified.
Please visit www.alibris.com to access our complete inventory of available children's book titles for sale, complete with descriptions of 1st editions, signed copies, fine/collectible copies, etc. You'll need to set up an Alibris account...it's free and easy and Alibris won't "bug you" with extra emails, promos, etc. Once signed up, you'll have access to all of the available Alp Arts Co. children's book collection....and much more! Please be sure to give us a *****Alibris Seller rating if we meet all of your expectations!
We'll also be glad to fill your orders Sandy's own books or forward requests to our authors. Enjoy our bookshop and come back often to browse the newest offerings!